Distress, Urgency and SafetyRadio Distress ProcedureMAYDAY – When the vessel or those aboard are in grave and imminent danger. (For an injured or sick person or a person overboard use the Urgency call by substituting the word Mayday for PAN PAN).
The Distress call and message is:
Release the transmit button and wait for acknowledgement. Other Useful InformationTo assist a search and rescue provide any other information that could be useful. The information might include the following:
Man Overboard (MOB), MAYDAY or PAN PAN?There is much confusion, among recreational mariners, regarding the correct use of radio during Man Overboard (MOB) emergencies at sea. A very useful paper prepared by the Office of Marine Communications at the Australian Maritime College gives a clear explanation on the radio call in a MOB situation. Read the Man Overboard paper here. MF/HF Radio Distress Frequencies
Safety (Securité) TransmissionsSafety calls are regularly made by coast stations for example, to alert seafarers of strong wind warnings, navigational matters and other issues that could affect the safety of those at sea. Safety calls are announced by the word Securité usually stated three times and made on a Distress, Urgency and first call frequency noting that the details of the Securité message will be given on a working frequency. If the Safety call is made using a VHF radio that the initial call will be made on Ch16 noting the details of the safety message will be on a working frequency such as Ch72 or other usual working channel. An example when a safety call could be made can be found here.
Updated 7 September 2024, © Copyright. A Douglas 2024 |